First, we spent a little "lecture" time learning how to read switches. This included reviewing the "How to Read a Railroad Switch" work sheet and letting them work out the remaining "problems" on the sheet [PDF student worksheet, 46Kb]. Mr. Bill is pictured above with two Alvin All-Star Railroaders focused in on a switch. Note the AASRR name tags on most of the students. Next, we took train crews, two at a time, with three-students per crew to begin operating trains. Today, each crew ran a lone locomotive around on one side of the HO layout or the other. Pictured at left and right are two such crews operating their respective locomotive. At the far end is the engineer at the throttle. The other two crew members act as switchmen/brakemen. Pictured at left are the results of today's efforts on the background divider. On the table are three of the historical Santa Maria buildings that will eventually sit in relief on the scenery divider. At right, two engineers concentrate on their operating duties. The dual-throttle power pack is located just off the platform on a student desk where the two boys' hands meet. Each throttle controls one side of the platform. Below are additional pictures of the various train crews at work today. [Home] [Synopsis] [Train Layout (HO)] [Schedule: 2002, 2003] [For Teachers] [What's New] |