This was day one with the platform in the classroom for 2003!

The order of the day was ground texturing and roadway painting. The first picture above still shows the platform pretty much as it entered the classroom. Ground texturing had been mostly removed from last year's activity, but some color staining remained. The two-boy team at left foreground is painting the roadway; the rest of the teams are gluing/sprinkling texturing material.

Here, two girls apply ground texturing at the far "western" edge of the platform (see the layout diagram).

The divider background scenes are being done a bit differently this year. One of the class parents is an artist (who's done other cool art projects with the students), and he volunteered to take on the task of leading the students through painting the divider background! Here is step one - painting the background's background. The background will still contain historical Santa Maria buildings as last year's did.

This team places gray/black ground texturing in the area just "east" of the enginehouse on the other side of Miller Street.

Two teams work on the sugar mill side of the platform.

"Mr. Bill" tidies the platform as today's activities are done and the class has gone out to the playground! The roads are now concrete color (as opposed to last year's asphalt color), and much of the ground areas are textured.