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Fosterville Times Press
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A New Name for Fosterville's Railroad - Now the PB&JRR
November 15, 1895*
The Fosterville railroad known and loved all these years as the B&JRR, the Bill and Jamie Railroad, is changing its name. The new name is the Pacific Bill and Jamie Railroad (PB&JRR).
James Trevorsky, section manager for the now PB&JRR, explained, "For years we've been fighting trademark battles with several other railroads that have also used B&JRR or BJRR as their monikers. This change will just clean things up for us here at the PB&J, we hope." He went on to list some of the other railroads using the B&J initials:
Mr. Trevorsky added, "This will no doubt keep us from going nuts and out of such jams in the future. We intend to 'land peanut butter and jelly side up' from now on!"
The announcement came just after Shamokin's incorporation and just before the railroad's open house tomorrow, November 16.

*For actual year, add 107
[Fosterville Times Press]
[PB&JRR home page]