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Fosterville Times Press
History in Pictures
Shamokin Incorporates
November 11, 1895*
Shamokin (AP) - A new school, railroad switch tower, and a Fall election brings incorporation to the area known as Shamokin. James Trevorsky, section manager for the PB&JRR, greeted the news with excitement. "The timing couldn't have been better, what with the new school and all. We're gratified to have our outlying yard and new switch tower be a part of the City of Shamokin!"
Lynn Tracelet, owner/operator of the Princess Farmstead, was equally pleased. "We've been out here in the hinterlands for so long, and now some civilization has been recognized. And now the kids won't have to travel all the way to Fosterville for school!" The new school is located in the new City of Shamokin, and is about halfway between their farmstead and Fosterville.
Just down the line from the school is the PB&J Railroad's new water tower (pictured at left).
Pictured at right is the new school, the Cora Savidge Elementary School, named after a longtime Shamokin-area seamstress. Cora is well-known in the area, and contributes to many civic activities, including the local Methodist Church. That church is in the midst of a building campaign and should have a new church building in Shamokin by this time next year.
Shamokin, in conjunction with the PB&JRR, expects to conduct a city-wide "Open House" this coming Saturday, November 16th. If interested, contact the PB&J Railroad office.
See also: "Shamokin Branch Develops" on the PB&J Railroad.

*For actual year, add 107
[Fosterville Times Press]
[PB&JRR home page]