As with this afternoon's dress rehearsal, the room was set up into four centers: the HO layout (foreground), short stories (left), final reports (right), and realia (back left). Parents and guests rotated with their children in order to get a glimpse at all that had gone on.

Here's an "engineer's eye view" (well, not exactly) from the sugar mill side of the platform. On the far wall to the left (yellow background bordered by red bandanas) are pictures from this web site of all the various activities throughout the railroading unit.

An AASRR student delivers his Final Report while standing on the official "Final Report Delivery Rug".

A Final Report is shared with guests.

Guests in the foreground are focused on train operations at the HO layout while other guests enjoy activities throughout the classroom.

Operations continued at the layout...

This ground level picture on the sugar mill side of the layout captures a sibling enjoying the railroad operations.
Above, an Alvin All-Star Railroader shares her short story with this evening's guests.

AASRR students enjoy sharing their knowledge of railroading hardware and history with their parents and guests.

Here are some AASRR engineers at work with a nice view of the sugar mill at Betteravia. Note the maps and pictures of Santa Maria Valley railroading and history on the wall behind them.

The AASRR class took this opportunity to celebrate Mr. Bill's birthday! He wouldn't say exactly how old he was...

Here's a close-up of the depot building on the yard side of the layout. An SMVRR caboose sits by the loading dock while a Southern Pacific diesel (gray) idles nearby.

Mr. P. captured the Amtrak trip on video, and that tape was a big hit at Open House. This picture captures a moment on the train. Note the roundhouse picture on the wall to the right.

Here's a different angle on the realia center. The father is checking out an operating telegraph key on the other side of the conductor's step stool.

Here's a second close-up angle on the depot.

Accidents will happen, even on the Alvin All-Star Railroad.