We added a new wrinkle to today's operations practice - a second locomotive on each side of the platform. The objective was to move one loco around and "park" it in a siding, move another loco around and "park" it, go back to the first loco and move it around, and so on. In the picture above, an SP loco operates in the foreground while a yellow GE 70-tonner rests in the distance by the depot. Our brakeman is contemplating the setting of the switch before her...

These two railroad men prepare for movement of the yellow 70-tonner on a siding by the sugar mill's highline.

While the 70-tonner sits idle on the siding in the foreground, the red GP9 (just below the nametag on the center student) rounds the corner at the far end of the platform heading this way.

Mr. P. works with the first two students of the day putting the finishing touches on some of the buildings for the divider. In the background to the right, students work to complete the facades on the sugar mill with Mr. Bill.

The facades of the sugar mill are completed this day! These facades will turn the rectangular box in the middle of the picture's foreground into a likeness of the mill. In the background can be seen some of the railroad realia collection on the top of the bookshelf. The most conspicuous is the scissor phone and the steam whistle (taller object at the right end).

Work on the divider buildings from Santa Maria's history is fairly intense.