Watch Your Mouth: Lying
January 26, 2025Pastor Patrick presented today's message, "Watch Your Mouth: Lying." A video of today's message is here on YouTube.
The obvious Torah connection to this topic is one of the Ten Commandments. Put simply, it says "Do not lie." Closer to the actual verbiage is "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."
As Prager points out in his commentary, The Rational Bible: Exodus, it is lies that have led to the world's greatest evils. Nearly all the world's greatest evils - slavery, Nazism, anti-Semitism, communist butchery, etc., have been based on lies. The big-lie theme here is that some peoples are sub-human or super-evil or some grave-threat to society. As Prager also points out, only so much evil can be done by one person. But if the majority of a society buys into such lies, great evil can be done.
Some, though very few anymore, suggest that this commandment is limited to testifying in a court of law. However, most scholars understand this prohibition on lying applies in any situation, in or out of a courtroom. If the commandment was meant to be "only in court" it would have said so. The need for courtroom honesty would or could have been taken for granted.
Your neighbor is your neighbor, in or out of a court of law. Also note the use of the word "against." If lying is for a moral reason, say to protect your neighbor (as opposed to hurting or "against" your neighbor), it is not prohibited. Lying can be moral just as killing a human being is sometimes moral. The gist is that there is a hierarchy to these laws. If lying prevents a murder, for example, you must lie.
Speaking of "Watch Your Mouth," see the first Bonus entry below...
T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak

T For True: Always make sure whatever you are saying is true. Don’t try to make something up or add fuel to gossip just to have something to say. Just be honest and your words will immediately be more impactful.
H For Helpful: Helpful words are usually appreciated by everyone. So, if you have something to say that can be of help to someone, go ahead. But if you think that your words might be hurtful or mocking, then avoid speaking.
I For Inspiring: Saying something that's encouraging, motivational, or inspiring is always a good idea. It can be anything from giving someone a small compliment on someone's presentation to inspiring others to achieve their goals with your story.
N For Necessary: Speak when necessary or try not to speak. Often we need to warn people before they do something they shouldn't or even explain a necessary concept to someone.
K For Kind: If you don't have something positive and kind today, don't say it. Humans are emotional beings and need reassurance from time to time. So, try not to be harsh with your words and don't hurt others. It's important to speak considerably and kindly to everyone.
While I've seen this many times over the years, this time I grabbed the text from Orai's "How to T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak and Not Put Your Foot in Your Mouth".
During this same Family Dinner session, we also looked at a number of verses from Proverbs about criticizing. See "Watch Your Mouth: Criticizing" from a couple weeks ago. Note that there are a few in there about accepting constructive criticism, too.
Old Leaders, Young Leaders
I just happened to stumble on this past Sunday's message at Grace Central Coast Church in San Luis Obispo. CA. We (Fosters and Reguscis) were part of that church for years before moving to Colorado. From that church arose a private, hybrid school K-12 that several of our kids attended for a time and that I taught at for a couple of years. And Matt was definitely a leader in that church - which gets me to the topic...
Pastor Tim Theule is in the midst of a sermon series on Joshua. This message is based on Deuteronomy 34 (the very last chapter of the Torah), Moses' death. What does this tell us about leadership?
A video of the message is here: Death of Moses, Deuteronomy 34 (starting at 8:48).
Here's a quick outline of the points Pastor Tim makes as advice to leaders:
- Older Leaders
- Learn to submit humbly to God's plan
- Work to own and share your failings
- Aspire to be known as a servant of God
- Invest in, equip, and pray for younger leaders
- Remember: God wants to use you till your dying day
- Younger Leaders
- Leaders are dependent on empowerment and wisdom from God
- Leadership must be earned, learned, and received
- Seek out and humbly learn from older leaders
- One measure: who is following you?
- It's not about you; it's about faithfulness to God's plan

Let me throw in a couple tangential thoughts. Actually, these are Dennis Prager's thoughts from his Rational Bible series.
The area that God showed Moses just before his death was far more vast than anyone could possibly see with their own eyes. It was a miracle that Moses was made able to perceive the entire Promised Land. (See Rational Bible: Deuteronomy, p. 503.)
In passing, Pastor Tim mentioned the incident where Moses struck the rock (a second time) in the wilderness and water came forth for the Israelites. He suggested that this was what God was punishing Moses for by not letting him into the Promised Land. Dennis Prager disagrees. The reason Moses was punished was not because he struck the rock, it was primarily because he took credit for the miracle rather than crediting God. (See Rational Bible: Numbers, pp. 269-272.)
The TimberCreek Church family has been invited to fast this week. If you'd like to ponder some information about Biblical fasting, try these articles:
10 Biblical Purposes for Fasting
The Purpose of Fasting
Biblical Fast: A What, When, Why, How To Guide for Christians
Biblical Fasting: Why, When, How, and How Not to Fast