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Fosterville Times Press
History in Pictures
PB&JRR to be Featured on Railroad Convention Tour List
April 16, 1894*
Fosterville (AP) - James Trevorsky, the Fosterville section manager for the PB&JRR, announced today that his railroad would be featured on a tour listing of an upcoming convention of railroad modelers.
The event is called "2001: A Train Odyssey", and is to be conducted by the San Luis Obispo Model Railroad Club acting on behalf of the Pacific Coast Region of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA).
The convention runs May 2-6, and will be centered at the San Luis Obispo Veteran's Hall. For a complete list of railroads available for touring, click here.
The PB&JRR is on the schedule for Thursday, May 3, 1894* from 6:00pm until 9:00pm.

*For actual year, add 107
[Fosterville Times Press]
[PB&JRR home page]