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Fosterville Times Press
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Heavy winds disrupt PB&J Railroad Open House
March 4, 1894*
Fosterville (AP) - Once again, the much-anticipated PB&JRR Open House had to be postponed - this time due to heavy winds (and threat of rain). Damage was fairly heavy along the PB&JRR, ranging from minor barrels and cans blowing about, to buildings knocked down and trains derailed.
Pictured at right is the damage done to the brand new tipple at the Triple T Mining Company, installation of which was complete only days ago.
William "Billie" Fosterson of the Triple T Mining Company exclaimed, "We must be jinxed! I'd have been better of making that trip to Chicago."
James Trevorsky, Fosterville Section Manager for the PB&JRR, explained, "The #30 was taken out a few minutes ago to test weather conditions - and two cars were immediately derailed in the very heavy winds". Prudence dictates that we postpone the Open House to a future date and time."
When asked about a next date and time, Mr. Trevorksy indicated that the PB&JRR officials would be studying the weather carefully in an attempt to make a mid-week determination.

*For actual year, add 107
[Fosterville Times Press]
[PB&JRR home page]