© Jamie Foster, 2005-present
First Train on the G-scale Layout August 1, 2005

The first work train ran on the PB&J Railroad on the evening of July 31, 2005!

The north end of the useable track was by the Shamokin yard tower.

An overview... The Shamokin rail yard is being built in the foreground right. There will be a wye on the far side of Bill and an oval around the three trees. Fosterville is in the distance along the retaining wall. And the farmstead is "out in the middle of nowhere". Missing from this picture is the mining area, which is across the settling pond off the picture to the left. The 7.5" railroad will go through about down the middle of the sand and between Fosterville and the farmstead. There will be a 7.5"/G crossover somewhere in this picture.

Sorted track stands ready near the yard.

Behind the farmstead and partially across the pond is the mine location. There will be a trestle built to span the pond.

The house is behind the mine in this photo.

Looking from the backyard of the farmstead across to the yard area.
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